About Me

Hi my name is Ava I am a year eight at ngatea primary school.
My teacher is Miss Williams and my class is the incredible minds. I like hockey and athletics, my favourite colour is blue. Have a look around my blog , I hope you like it.

Monday, 30 November 2015

current events

In England they are trialling roads that can charge electric cars as they drive along them .
They are hoping that having these roads will increase the use of electric cars . Electric cars can not travel very far without having to charge so if they drive on these roads they will not have to stop and charge. The cars that will be using the road will need to be fitted with wireless technology and special equipment will be installed under the roads. The equipment under the road will create the voltage the car needs to charge .

Monday, 23 November 2015

Current events

goldNestle has created a golden treat for Japan , a golden Kit Kat!
These bars have a thin gold layer that has a bitter chocolate taste and they are called golden sublime. There will only be 500 of these special edition gold bars in Japan and it is 24$ (nz) per finger!
I think I will be sticking to regular Kit Kats but some lucky people will be having a golden covered treat .

Monday, 16 November 2015

Who inspires me

One person who inspires me is Sir Ray Avery . He invented the life pod , an incubator that has the power to save the life of many babies . Millions of babies die each year because they do not have access to neonatal care and these babies are usually born in poor hospitals that can not afford incubators. The poor hospitals that can finally afford one usually buy one and a small part will break down and no one knows how to fix it so it is shoved into the corner and no one can use it . Ray designed one that is much cheaper and is portable and it even has backup power just in case it main power source breaks down . But what really inspires me is that he is doing to be kind , not because he wants money but because he wants to help .
Image result for sir ray avery life podImage result for sir ray avery life pod
Screenshot 2015-11-17 at 2.36.55 PM.png

Sunday, 15 November 2015


I found this video of some Christmas lights on a house which are synchronised to music such as Christmas  songs and dubstep .

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Current Events

One man thinks he has a solution to Auckland housing problems by designing floating homes .
Twenty floating homes are planned for Auckland's Fairway Bay Marina and they are going to be 35 square metres with a kitchen , living space , laundry and a bedroom . they are planning to start building these houses in 2016 and the floating base will be similar to marina pontoons .

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Current Events

To all those people out there that are left handed here are some interesting facts about left handed people
  1.  Left handed people are usually more independent because they have to adapt to a world full of right handers . 
  2. Left handers use the right side of their brain the most 
  3. Between 5 to 10 % of the worlds population is left handed . 
  4. Left handers make especially good baseball players , tennis players , swimmers and boxers .
  5. Almost 40% of the worlds best tennis players are left handed .
  6.  From the last 7 US presidents 4 of them have been left handed including Barack Obama
  7. Studies prove that left handed university graduates become 26% richer than right handers .
  8.  Left handed people are a little bit more prone to allergies and asthma than right handers .
  9.  Research shows that left handers process emotions differently and tend to get more angry faster than right handers .
  10.  August 13th is international left handers day.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

I woke up in a bright white room I sat up and looked around there was nothing but a door and the stretcher I was lying on I tried to get out of the bed but I was to numb and I just crumbled to the ground so I used the bed to help me up . I shuffled along the edge of the bed to the door and I tried to open it but it was locked I looked around for another way out and I saw a small camera up near the ceiling so I shuffled over to it to have a look at it but then I hear the door being unlocked so I spun around and I saw two big men in black suits and one smaller man wedged in between ( who was obviously the important one ) , he wore a navy blue suit and had a red tie , he had dark skin and very short black hair . “ I see you’re awake” he said , he had a deep voice and looked a little scary .
“ Wh-wh-who are y-you” I said a little frightened.
The man's face softened , “You don’t need to worry , we won’t hurt you”.
“ I said, who are are you” I repeated a little more stronger .
“ Listen kid , come with me I have to explain who we are and where we are but first let’s go 
somewhere else"

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Suddenly a small dimmed light came on and it lit up a small Ipad embedded into the wall which displayed a small keyboard and the small text box for the password to be typed into and just below the text box were the words
You have three chances before the building goes into full lockdown.
I was never going to be able to guess the password especially without knowing who made it .
We had been learning about passwords in cyber safety and we talked about the most common passwords and why your password should be different from the rest .
I guess I could try one of the most common passwords that we talked about.
tap, tap, Tap, WRONG
damn it , it was wrong now I had two chances left so I tried another password
tap, tap, Tap, WRONG
wrong again! I was never going to get it right . I guess I could try one more time
tappity tap tap , WRONG
A siren began sounding as I heard shouting from behind the door
Then some people busted through the door wearing black suits and dark glasses and they picked me up and took me through the door , The bright white lights  blinded me and I couldn’t see a thing so I kicked and shouted but they were too strong they placed me on a stretcher and I felt a prick in my arm and right away the world plunged into blackness .

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The door ( Part 3 )

My footsteps echoed as I slowly tiptoed down the hallway . The corridor had little torches on the wall every couple of metres . Suddenly I stopped , I thought I heard something, I paused and looked around .Voices , I was sure of it . Or maybe not, maybe I was just hearing things. For a moment I thought about turning back but if I went back I would never be able to get back up to the ledge I fell from so I kept walking , I had to . I just kept walking , the hallway felt like it never ended , there wasn’t even a light at the end . I felt like giving up . . . BANG! . I ran right into a wall . I got Back On my feet and put my hands in front of me and sure enough it was a door , I felt around for the handle but I couldn’t find it? . I was sure it was a door because I could see the little fringes of light around the edges , I was ready to give up so I leaned on the wall to think about how to get out then suddenly a voice came from some sort of speaker .


Currents Events

A woman in Auckland was grossed out after she brought a big mac at McDonalds and unwrapped it to find it already had a bite in it . She posted a photo on facebook and explained what happened, then she went to the manager to make a complaint and she got told that it was impossible and that she must have taken the bite . Then the CCTV footage was checked and it turns out that another customer brought the burger and took a bite and didn't like it so it got returned and then somehow it got sold again and McDonalds apologised for it .

big mac

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Current events

After Quinn Duane was heartbroken when her partner called of their wedding but she wasn't going to let all that planning and money go to waste and after all she had organised food for 120 People so she turned her wedding reception into a feast for the homeless at the hotel they were going to stay at . Quinn was to upset to turn up but she was glad she could turn a bad situation into a good one .


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Art Evaluation

For Term three we did zentangle art and it had to be something to do with yourself so I did waves because I like going to the beach . Once I did the outline I started with the patterns , it was really hard to find enough patterns to fill in the whole thing but eventually I did and then I had to go over the pencil in sharpie. After I did that it got photocopied and I had to colour in the copied one it took me awhile to figure out what colours to do where but I did some bits red, orange and yellow and some bits are light blue and dark blue and then all the other bis are purple and pink .Next time I would spread the colours out a bit more instead of doing certain colours in certain parts
This is what it looks like .

Current events

Reg Foggerdy got lost in the Australian outback and survived for six whole days without water  by eating ants to keep him going. Police found him on Tuesday sitting under a tree 15 kilometres from where he got lost . When police found him he was dehydrated and disorientated and was only wearing a T shirt , cap , shorts and jandals and endured heats up to 37 degrees Celsius .aussie man

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Current Events

This little dog phoebe is lucky to have a friend like Tillie after she fell into a water tank and Tillie stayed with her until they were noticed and they were rescued after a week , they were both cold and hungry but unharmed and were returned to their owner .
best friend

Monday, 14 September 2015

The door ( part 2 )

I stepped in . I never should of. It was an instinct.
There was pure blackness all around me.
Then there was a slam I looked behind me , the door had swung shut, I tried to open it but it was stuck, more or less I was stuck . What had I done. I had just trapped myself in an unknown place with no idea how to get out , right I knew that I couldn’t use the door so I had to find another way out of this place so I walked around the pitch black space with my hands out so I didn’t bump into anything.
I kept on walking around until I took a step and the ground disappeared from beneath my feet and I was falling. I couldn’t do anything to stop myself , I was helpless and I was still falling while preparing myself for landing. THUMP! , I hit the ground hard , I sat up a little dazed and looked around it was still dark but I saw a small glowing light in the distance  but there was more than one small light
it looked sort of like a hallway so I got to my feet and began to creep down the long corridor .

Current events

This new song has been produced for two good reasons . One of the reasons is to fund raise for finding a cure to battens disease , To find a cure they need 10 million dollars so they got some kids together to get ideas from them about what could be in the video . The second reason for the video was to back our boys in black by making them a support song , so they took the kids ideas and made one big song .
Check it out .

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Today my Impact group put together our compost bags . We made two bags with different things in them to see how they both turn out . We are going to shake them a couple times a week for 4 to 6 weeks .  We are going to weigh them every now and then but since it is a hot compost I think they are going to get lighter .

My Writing ( The door Part one )

The Door

This was it . I walked up to the door , should I open it or not? . I had no idea what was behind it but  had a million thoughts about what was behind that door, but first let me let me tell you a bit about this door.
So sometimes when I go for a walk I see this door, it makes me think . It makes me wonder.
I have opened many doors but none of them ever made me think that hard.
Most of the time I walk past I bet it opens up a portal to another dimension or a portal to another planet or maybe behind that door is a witch's lair or a kingdom from a fairytale or even candyland!
But there is something about this door that makes me think so hard. It makes me feel like there is something so very magical behind this door but something about it scares me and something about it stops me from opening it .
But anyway,
I was standing there my hands were trembling as I slowly reached out to open the door.
I got a tingly feeling in my fingertips as I touched the door handle, I had to open it now -  there was no going back . I gripped the handle firmly , it let out a low groan as I pulled it down.
The door slowly swung open.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Current Events

A family in New Jersey was surprised to find a group of bear cubs swimming in their pool .
There was six bears , one mother and five cubs , the family called the police to report the bears but the police couldn't do anything about it so they had to wait for the bears to go on their own .

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Current events

Did you know that there could be someone out there that looks exactly like you! People around the world have been finding perfect strangers that look exactly like them . Even though there is no relationship these people could easily pass as twins . Check out some of these look a likes .

Niamh Geaney and Karen Branigan

Rudi Kistler Maurus Oehmann

Jennifer and Ambra

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

book club role

After Nathan finds the eye scratched into the window he goes down to the well to see if he can find anything else. He reaches the well and tries to pull the rope which brings up the bucket he pulls and pulls and finally gets the bucket up to reveal a clue . Strum V.O. He has no idea what this means .
Nathan has a good think about the clue and remembers some  books that his dad used to read to him called strum so he goes back up to the attic to look for the certain book and he finds it . It has a picture of hansel and gretel at the end of the breadcrumb trail and remembers that  his dad calls the forest near their house breadcrumb forest so nathan decides to look in the breadcrumb forest for the next clue .

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Aeroview Trip

On Tuesday me and my Impact group went on a trip to Aeroview garden centre to learn about composting and sowing seeds . Paul Green was the man who was talking to us .

We learnt about all the different ways of composting . One kind is a hot compost and the other kind is a cold compost , A hot compost is the quickest method and when you put some in the garden it destroys the weed seeds by cooking them. A cold compost takes less effort and has some of the same things in it , except it takes longer .
We also got the chance to plant our own plants

We planted:

  • lettuce
  • watermelon
  • beetroot
  • silverbeet
This is us planting the seeds

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Current Events

A teenager in Malawi, Africa, brought electricity and running water to his village by building a windmill out of rubbish.
William Kamkwamba lived through a severe drought in 2002 that killed thousands of people in Malawi and almost caused his family to starve to death. During the drought he was unable to go to school but continued to read books and study alone.
During his study William found a textbook about windmills and was fascinated by how they could create electricity and pump water. When he realised that such a device could help defend his family he decided to build one of his own.
Many of the villagers thought William had lost his mind, spending his time going through the trash and staying up well into the night building something most of them had never even heard of.

William’s neighbours and family were amazed when his windmill was complete and he showed them how it could be used to power light and pump water. He certainly became a local hero!

Source : Diane Mulhern


Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Current events

George Kirby( 103 ) and Doreen Luckie ( 91) have been together for
27 years and finally they got married on Georges 103rd birthday.
oldest couple

This is the oldest couple ever to get   a record combined age of
194 beating the previous record of 191 .
Between them they have 7 children ,
15 grandchildren and 7 great grand children


Monday, 17 August 2015

Cross Country

Cross Country

I woke up feeling nervous and tired I got up and put my clothes warm clothes on ( I had my running clothes on underneath) and went out to the kitchen to have breakfast . after we got ready and mum rushed us out the door we all hopped into the car and started driving to south farms. I was staring out the window watching all the trees and paddocks rushing by and suddenly we pulled in and went up the driveway of south farms , all my memories of cross country came rushing back as I saw the wool shed and the running track .

My race was up first so I peeled of my warm clothes to reveal my running gear. It was cold, I was nervous and my feet were already covered in mud as me and the rest of the 11 year olds marched down the hill to the start line . Mr Fraser explained the track to us after we warmed up , The boys started first and ran off and up the hill , I was not ready at all but anyway we all had to line up on the start line and wait for Mr Fraser to say go . “GO!” he shouted and we all started running up the small hill , My feet sunk deep into the mud every step I took , The stones really hurt as I scrambled across the stream . after the stream there was a small hill that we had to run up and then run down
( or in my case slide down ) , after the hill we had to follow the gravel track up to the killer hill ( dun dun dun) . The killer hill was steep and big and was hard to run down without tripping or cutting your feet but I stormed on .

Then at the bottom of the hill we had to run along beside the stream and the cross it and run back across the small slippery hill and then at the end was yet another steep hill that we had to climb to the top of and the sprint round the corner to the finish line , I could hear my friends cheering as I sprinted round the corner to the finish line . Finally it was finished so I bent over to catch my breath I didn't make it to Hauraki Plains but I was still proud .

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

current events

I came across this article about our every day things being banned for silly reasons .

ketchup in schools -
France banned ketchup in school cafeterias
because they were afraid of ruining french cuisine .

Chewing gum -
Singapore banned the sale of chewing gum in 1992 and it is still banned now .

Video games -
China has just lifted a 14 year ban on the sale of video games . In 2001 South Korea blocked children from playing online video games between midnight and 6:00 am .

Flip flop -
In Capri , Italy , flip flops are banned because of the noise they make .

Monday, 3 August 2015


This week for science we did an experiment on floating and sinking .

  •   We think something will sink if it is has higher density
  •   and it will float if it has less density
For the experiment we used an orange and we dropped it in the water with the skin on and it floated and then we got another orange and peeled it and then dropped it in the water and it sunk . We think the skin of the orange has air in it and acts as a life jacket and when we took the peel off it sunk because the orange has no air in it .

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Sugary drinks

Last week on Friday T.A came in to teach us about how much sugar is really in our drinks.
She talked to us about what sorts of things are the most healthy and what we should drink after sports or sports training . She told us what happens to our body when all that sugar gets into our system we get all hypo and we are really energetic for a bit because our heart starts to beat really fast and it is called a sugar rush but when the sugar rush ends it is called a crash which is when you get all tired and angry and sleepy . 

T.A lined up all the drinks from the least sugar to the most
here was the order :
1. Water
2. milk
3. one cup of Raro
4. Flavoured water
5. small can of V
6.Can of coke
7. Powerade
9. bottle of coke
10. e2
And then last of all she talked to us about diet coke and coke zero
She told us that on the back it says there is no sugar in it but really it is worse than normal coke because it has artificial sugar it it .

Thursday, 30 July 2015

My writing

See you again Remix
It been a long day without you my waffle and I’ll tell you all about it
when I eat you again, When I eat you again

Damn who knew all the waffles we chewed
all the syrup and food
that I’d be sitting right here cooking you

Bad Blood Remix
Now I'm stuck with the burnt waffles
it’s so sad to think about the waffles that are burnt
cause baby now we got burnt waffles and I don’t think
I can eat them cause I might get sick
And then I can’t eat more waffles , hey!

Remix of Just give me a reason
Tell me that you've had enough of this syrup
just give me the waffles just the ordinary waffles
maybe just a little bit of the maple syrup so I can
Love them again

Remix of Sugar
I'm burning baby I'm in the toaster
come get me out before I burn
Syrup , yes please , won’t you come and pour it down on me
I'm not from McDonald's I'm original
yeah you guest it I'm a waffle
Syrup , yes please , won’t you come and pour it down on me
I'm right here on your plate I'm not going anywhere

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Current Events

I was looking at some articles when I came over this one , check of the names of some of these places

This place was meant to be called Y because of because
 it has to highways with a Y shaped intersection but the name
of the town had to be at least three letters so they named it why .

try pronouncing the name of this town:
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch ,
This place is a town found in whales , it has the longest name in 
Europe at 58 letters

Then last of all there is this town , Truth or Consequences .
The town was originally called hot springs but then it got named after a
radio station .

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Current events

These are not your usual dog houses these dogs are living the life in these flash dog houses some of the are palaces and some of them are miniature family homes but I can tell you these dog houses are a lot different from the one my dog has to live in .
 dog houses

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

My goals

Here are a couple of  my goals for this term

1. I want to keep my gold card , the last time I lost my gold card was because I didn't complete the amount of pages that needed to be done on time so I think I need to take all the time I can get to keep on top of my 

2. I am going to try and make my writing a little bit better by using different types of genres and not just end the story straight away so I am going to put more effort into my endings .

3.This term I am going to make sure I keep on top of my art I could do that by booking in some time on my my plan and not sitting by my friends when my class does art .

Monday, 29 June 2015

Current events post

Adoption offers are flooding in for a dog that was dumped off a bridge near Tauranga last week .
charityThe SPCA was called to the scene when some witnesses saw a white van pull up and dump the dog off the bridge . Luckily the dog managed to swim to the shore unharmed , but the 15 metre drop definitely frightened the dog .
The SPCA is offering a reward to anyone that knows any information about the incident .
charityFor now the SPCA is taking care of the dog until it is time to find a suitable home for this special dog .

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Current events post

A small town in Alaska got a big surprise when it started raining eels ! , the eels were about a foot long and they had lots of teeth . No one had any idea why it was raining eels . Some people believe that it has happened with other things like fish for example . They say that if there is a is a tornado or a water spout these creatures can be swept up into they sky and then a little while later they will eventually fall from the sky
but some people are a bit confused because there has not been any tornadoes or waterspouts around the area lately .

Monday, 15 June 2015

My winter poem

Snow is falling
the clouds are bawling

The wind is howling
the sky is growling.

The lightning is striking
The cold is biting.

The winter coats have come out
Jack frost is about .

A blanket of fog has covered the town
The rain just won’t stop falling down.

Winter has come .

My soccer reflection

Monday, 18 May 2015

Snake swallows Tongs !

A vet named Aaron Rouse was feeding his pet python Winston a rat with some BBQ tongs when the python grabbed hold of the tongs, Aaron tried to get them out of the snakes mouth but the hungry python would not let go so Aaron left the snake in its cage for a while but when he came back the snake had swallowed the tongs whole ! . Aaron was very surprised to see that the snake had swallowed the BBQ tongs whole . He ended up preforming surgery on the snake to get the tongs out . So in the end Winston was unharmed and Aaron had learnt a very important lesson : do not feed a snake with barbecue tongs .
This is the x-ray of the snake after it had swallowed the tongs

Mothers day event

Last week at my school we had a mothers day event . To start off we did a quiz about mothers day and then we watched a video about why we love mums . After that I took my mum to the little pampering station that the teachers had set up and I painted her nails , but then I ended up removing he nail paint because I did a very sloppy job . When I finished removing the paint I took my mum to get some cheese and crackers but then she had to go back to work so my friend Abby and I painted each others nails but Abby painted my whole thumb ! . After that Me and my friend Sophie joined in with Abby and her mum and we all played cards together . I had a great time .


Me mum and Max had just hopped of the shotover jet , it was so cool and thrilling .
We nearly crashed a few times but I think the driver did that on purpose to thrill us .
After we we hopped of , some friends of ours meet us at the shotover shop , Their names were Fin, Jack, Emma, Kurstan and Bart . We all decided that we would then go and do the luge so we drove to the gondolas . After we finally found a park we purchased our tickets and lined up for the gondola . When we got to the front of the line we realised that the gondolas could only fit four people so they were tiny compared to the ones in Rotorua .

After the awesome ride up we hopped off and had some lunch at the cafe which was at the top . Just after we had something to eat and talked for a while we lined up for the luge , we all had to ride on the beginners track , Stella wanted to ride with mum so I rode in my own luge . Mum and Stella were going so slow, so I passed them easily and speed down to the end where Max and Dad were waiting for us . To get back up to the top we had to go up on the chairlifts so I went with dad , on the way up I noticed a camera that takes photos of you that you can buy , Dad pulled the finger at the camera and I smiled at it .

We finally got to the top again I lined up for the expert track I was scared and excited in a way . After the long wait we got to the front of the line so I hopped on one of the carts and started going and at the very start the was a small drop and my cart rolled down it and started speeding up , I felt like I was going so fast until Dad came speeding round the corner behind me and easily passed me with Max following just behind . The next time I saw Max and Dad was at the very end , but I just kept going and I bumped into Max and then he got angry at me but luckily it was the end so he couldn’t bump me back . I rushed back to the chairlift with Dad again , I was so ready to have another go .

The End

My writing

The Jump
This was it . I finally had the courage to do it so I quietly jumped into the back of the line .
The line slowly moved forward and I was getting nearer to the front “ maybe I should back out ”
a little voice in my head said but before I could change my mind one the instructors clipped me into the harness and told me to start climbing . I began to slowly climb up , I was gaining speed now nothing could stop me now I thought . That was until I looked down , “ right up you come ”
said the instructor . I was up . . .

I couldn't believe it . I had just climbed a 10 metre pole ! It felt so good to know , but I still had to jump so I stood in the position I had to and the instructor clipped me onto another rope and told me to stand by him . I was so nervous ! The instructor told me I could do it the easy way or the hard way . The easy way, I jump . The hard way , he pushes me . He told me he was going to count from three and on three I jump ( or get pushed ) . 3 . . . 2 . . .  1  , I jumped .

I felt like I was free falling , my stomach just dropped and I kept on falling . After what felt like forever the rope tightened and I swung up away from the pole and then back towards the pole , I thought I was going to hit it so I closed my eyes and braced myself but I narrowly missed the pole and swung back away from the pole again .

After continuously swinging back and forth (while my stomach felt like it was still dropping). The other instructor held up a pole sort of thing with a handle on the end for me to grab . So I grabbed it and he slowed me right down so I was just hanging there and he wheeled a ladder underneath me so I climbed down and he unclipped me . I had actually done it . It felt so good .

The End

Thursday, 14 May 2015


I have made a list of all the things normally read in one day .

  •  I read all the signs on the way to school .
  •  I also sometimes read my book on the way to school .
  • When I get to school I check my mi plan (which is my timetable) and I read what is on there.
  • I read my book club book ( bubblegum babes )
  • I do some of our earning tasks , which includes reading what we have to do
  • I read on the way home from school
I think it is important that everyone learns to read so that they can understand everything and of course it means you can read books and blog posts like this one . That is why it is important to learn to read .

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Marble Track

Me and and my friend Abby made a marble track  it was hard because the marble kept stopping in the middle of the track , and sometimes some pieces would fall apart . We had to work together to keep it from falling apart . When we were nearly done the first marble track we went to add the last few pieces and the whole thing broke which was kind of gutting but then we made a whole new one which was much taller than the other one so we took some photos

Abby also has a blog so check it out at http://npsabbya.blogspot.co.nz/

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

My anzac video

This week we had to make a anzac presentation and a creation , I worked really hard to make my presentation and I did lots of research but then when I finished I didn't know what to do for my creation so I decided to to a stop motion lego video .

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Art Evaluation

In term one I did some art .The teacher traced the shadow of my head from the side and once she had traced it I went over the outline with vivid . After I did the outline I drew things in the middle of the shadow , the things I was meant to draw was things going on inside my head and then I coloured it in this is what it looked like

Tuesday, 21 April 2015


During the holidays me and my family flew down to Queenstown for four nights we got to do heaps of cool things. We arrived at the airport and hopped into our rental car , it was a blue Holden commodore . We arrived at our hotel at about four thirty and unpacked and watched some TV then we went to dinner .
These are some of the things we did over the next few days

  • We went on the shot over jet   
  •  We went to puzzle world in Wanaka
  •  We went up the gondola did the luge .
  •  We went to arrow town and panned for gold in the river
  •  We went to a place called oddesy , which is a place that has a whole lot different rooms like a room full of yoga balls and a mirror room and also a pitch black room .

After we enjoyed our time in Queenstown we drove to mount cook village and we stayed there one night . before dinner we went for a walk to see a glacier and when we were walking back to the car it started snowing . Then we went out to dinner and then found a place to stay and went to bed . The next day we hopped in the car and went for a drive to see the mountains , we stopped on the side of the road to take photos and then we took of to Christchurch . After a long , long  ,long drive from Mount Cook to Christchurch we eventually found somewhere to stay  and went out for dinner then went back to the motel and went to bed . We got up the next day and went for a drive around Christchurch it was quite sad to see all the ruined buildings . After that we drove to the airport to leave . I had a great time in The south Island .

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Easter eggs

This week my group designed virtual eater eggs with the computer teacher to celebrate Easter .
This is what mine looked like . . .

Wednesday, 11 March 2015


For Tech I was in cooking for five weeks , we made

  • cheese and bacon on toast with a berry and banana smoothie .
  • mini pizza's with pita pockets as the base .  
  •  Vanilla Biscuits with icing sugar .
  • French toast with golden syrup . 
  • Vanilla Cupcakes with icing .
My favourite was French toast with golden syrup . We dipped a piece of bread in a mix of egg vanilla essence then we put the bread on the pan to cook then after it was cooked on both sides we served them with golden syrup , yoghurt and banana . I thought I t was delicious .
Now I am moving to fabrics and materials , I think we are making Frisbee .
I really enjoyed cooking and I think I might choose it for my Impact .

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Never give up

A time when I have never given up is when I was in Pauanui And we were going biscuiting , My brother went on the biscuit and I was watching him on it and it looked like a lot of fun so I built up the courage to have a turn . Dad stopped the boat so I could hop on the biscuit so I hoped on and dad started to accelerate the boat and we sped up and It became harder to stay on and my hands were getting sore but I was determined to stay on and then dad did a corner and we swung right round .
I still managed to hold on .
I never gave up .