About Me

Hi my name is Ava I am a year eight at ngatea primary school.
My teacher is Miss Williams and my class is the incredible minds. I like hockey and athletics, my favourite colour is blue. Have a look around my blog , I hope you like it.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

GE Ignition

Today we worked on our GE Ignitions. My group is the Food miles group and we came up with lots of good questions. After the Session we had to answer some reflective questions. Here they are:

  • What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
I hope I will have more knowledge about local foods and imported foods. I also want to find out how we, as a community, can support the local food growers.

  • What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I will need to know anyone in the area who grows food. I will also need to learn about what kinds of foods get imported to New Zealand and what food we export.

  • What is it I hope to be able to do more competently?  
I hope I will be able to convince people to Buy locally produced foods to support our growers. I also hope I will be able to Identify local food and New Zealand grown foods when I go to the supermarket.
  • What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further?
I will need to be Curious so I can easily come up with questions to investigate. I will need to be able to Connect with experts who know about food miles. I think Being me is important throughout this project because I have to investigate what I am interested in so that I enjoy our GE and remember everything I have learnt. I haven't figured out a way to use the other learning powers but I'm sure I will use them throughout the project.

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