About Me

Hi my name is Ava I am a year eight at ngatea primary school.
My teacher is Miss Williams and my class is the incredible minds. I like hockey and athletics, my favourite colour is blue. Have a look around my blog , I hope you like it.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

My Art reflection

For our art we have been doing murals. First we had to Draw five symbols that we were going to put on our mural and then we had to do a draft of our mural in our art books. After we did our draft we had to check with the teacher and then we could start on our big copy. When I drew my up I added a few extra things because I felt that it needed more symbols. When I did the water colour I think the hardest parts were the stars and the black edging. I tried really hard to put meaning into my symbols. I added mount Taranaki because my mum was born there. I also added a farm because my dad has always lived there. I added the brick house on the farm because I have lived in the same house my whole life. There is five waves in the first row and they represent my family. I did thee second row because me and my family love to go to the beach. In the back ground I did a moon and twelve stars because I'm twelve years old. I also did a silver fern because I am from New Zealand. I added the sun because I think it looks really pretty when it is rising and when it sets. Over all I enjoyed creating my mural and I am happy with the way it turned out.

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