About Me

Hi my name is Ava I am a year eight at ngatea primary school.
My teacher is Miss Williams and my class is the incredible minds. I like hockey and athletics, my favourite colour is blue. Have a look around my blog , I hope you like it.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Daffodil Day Celebration

Daffodil Day
Today our school had a Daffodil Day Celebration. I was one of the people who organised the day. Me and the rest of the events team decided that that everyone would dress up as what they wanted to be when they are older. I dressed up as a black stick and I made a uniform from a black singlet and I put my name on the back using tape. The whole school met outside Moana to do a parade. Each syndicate went one by one and it was my job to judge the Moana students. Abby, Ayisha and I had to pick one student each to give best dressed to. I really enjoyed seeing all of the outfits and costumes.

Another thing I enjoyed about this morning was knowing that we were raising money for the
 Cancer society. Everyone had to bring a gold coin so that we could get lots of money to donate. It was cool that everyone was aware of cancer and how much we were helping sick people and their families. I have really enjoyed today so far and I'm sure the rest will be just as good.

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