About Me

Hi my name is Ava I am a year eight at ngatea primary school.
My teacher is Miss Williams and my class is the incredible minds. I like hockey and athletics, my favourite colour is blue. Have a look around my blog , I hope you like it.

Monday, 30 November 2015

current events

In England they are trialling roads that can charge electric cars as they drive along them .
They are hoping that having these roads will increase the use of electric cars . Electric cars can not travel very far without having to charge so if they drive on these roads they will not have to stop and charge. The cars that will be using the road will need to be fitted with wireless technology and special equipment will be installed under the roads. The equipment under the road will create the voltage the car needs to charge .

Monday, 23 November 2015

Current events

goldNestle has created a golden treat for Japan , a golden Kit Kat!
These bars have a thin gold layer that has a bitter chocolate taste and they are called golden sublime. There will only be 500 of these special edition gold bars in Japan and it is 24$ (nz) per finger!
I think I will be sticking to regular Kit Kats but some lucky people will be having a golden covered treat .

Monday, 16 November 2015

Who inspires me

One person who inspires me is Sir Ray Avery . He invented the life pod , an incubator that has the power to save the life of many babies . Millions of babies die each year because they do not have access to neonatal care and these babies are usually born in poor hospitals that can not afford incubators. The poor hospitals that can finally afford one usually buy one and a small part will break down and no one knows how to fix it so it is shoved into the corner and no one can use it . Ray designed one that is much cheaper and is portable and it even has backup power just in case it main power source breaks down . But what really inspires me is that he is doing to be kind , not because he wants money but because he wants to help .
Image result for sir ray avery life podImage result for sir ray avery life pod
Screenshot 2015-11-17 at 2.36.55 PM.png

Sunday, 15 November 2015


I found this video of some Christmas lights on a house which are synchronised to music such as Christmas  songs and dubstep .

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Current Events

One man thinks he has a solution to Auckland housing problems by designing floating homes .
Twenty floating homes are planned for Auckland's Fairway Bay Marina and they are going to be 35 square metres with a kitchen , living space , laundry and a bedroom . they are planning to start building these houses in 2016 and the floating base will be similar to marina pontoons .

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Current Events

To all those people out there that are left handed here are some interesting facts about left handed people
  1.  Left handed people are usually more independent because they have to adapt to a world full of right handers . 
  2. Left handers use the right side of their brain the most 
  3. Between 5 to 10 % of the worlds population is left handed . 
  4. Left handers make especially good baseball players , tennis players , swimmers and boxers .
  5. Almost 40% of the worlds best tennis players are left handed .
  6.  From the last 7 US presidents 4 of them have been left handed including Barack Obama
  7. Studies prove that left handed university graduates become 26% richer than right handers .
  8.  Left handed people are a little bit more prone to allergies and asthma than right handers .
  9.  Research shows that left handers process emotions differently and tend to get more angry faster than right handers .
  10.  August 13th is international left handers day.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

I woke up in a bright white room I sat up and looked around there was nothing but a door and the stretcher I was lying on I tried to get out of the bed but I was to numb and I just crumbled to the ground so I used the bed to help me up . I shuffled along the edge of the bed to the door and I tried to open it but it was locked I looked around for another way out and I saw a small camera up near the ceiling so I shuffled over to it to have a look at it but then I hear the door being unlocked so I spun around and I saw two big men in black suits and one smaller man wedged in between ( who was obviously the important one ) , he wore a navy blue suit and had a red tie , he had dark skin and very short black hair . “ I see you’re awake” he said , he had a deep voice and looked a little scary .
“ Wh-wh-who are y-you” I said a little frightened.
The man's face softened , “You don’t need to worry , we won’t hurt you”.
“ I said, who are are you” I repeated a little more stronger .
“ Listen kid , come with me I have to explain who we are and where we are but first let’s go 
somewhere else"