About Me

Hi my name is Ava I am a year eight at ngatea primary school.
My teacher is Miss Williams and my class is the incredible minds. I like hockey and athletics, my favourite colour is blue. Have a look around my blog , I hope you like it.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

My Easter Weekend

For my Easter me and my family went to Pauanui on Thursday night and my Nana and my cousin Ruby came up on Friday. On Friday it was my friend Graces birthday party but before the party me Morgan and my cousin Maggie went on our scooters around pauanui and we scooter on the wharf and then I got back to my bach and I went over to Graces bach and we decorated cupcakes and they tasted really nice and then we played some games.

On Saturday morning I went kayaking with my family and Ruby and also my friends Grace and Meg. We all had a swim while dad got the kayaks ready , and me and Ruby went on the double one while grace went in the single.In the afternoon we went to the south end of the beach to walk across the rocks and we saw lots of skinks. After that me and Ruby went for a bike ride to the flying fox. After dinner I went to Graces house for a game of spotlight.

On Sunday we woke up and found our eggs, my favourite eggs were the crunchie ones with bits of crunchie in them.Later in the day we went for a bike ride to the to show my cousin the shops. For lunch we made hot cross buns and then we went to the beach for a swim but it was really rough. On Monday Ruby and Nana left in the morning and we left in the afternoon. I had a really great weekend and I got to see family and friends.

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